Foster, George, scriptwriter, and Mort Green scriptwriter. Eight television and radio scripts., 1952, August 18-1953, July 1 -

Bound Bound
28.5 cm.
Scope and content:
  1. Grey cloth binding
  2. Spine: Assorted Stuff George Foster
  3. All scripts apparently written by George Foster and Mort Green
  4. Contains corrections and production notes
  5. Includes: 1) The Sergeant is a Doll. Pilot script [television script] Aug. 18, 1952. mimeo. 50 p. 2) The Jackie Miles Story. A TV series starring Jackie Miles, written by Mort Green and George Foster [television script] Script #1. n.d. carbon. 72 p. 3) The Jackie Miles Story. A TV series starring Jackie Miles, written by Mort Green and George Foster. Script #1, 6th copy [television script] n.d. carbon. 53 p. 4) United Community Campaigns Show. Recorded Aug. 26, 1952 [radio script] mimeo. 27 p. 5) All Star Revue - Tallulah. 2nd revision [television script] 87 p. Oct. 11, 1952. mimeo. Includes printed program. 6) All Star Revue - Tallulah [television script]. Nov. 8, 1952. mimeo. Includes printed program. 73 p. 7) The All Star Revue...Perry Como [television script] Feb. 14, 1953. mimeo. Includes printed program. 101 p. 8) Arthur Godfrey and His Friends - Hal Le Roy [television script] July 1, 1953. 26 p. mimeo.
Acquisition information:
Source and date unknown.

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