
Search Results

Wellcome, Sir Henry Solomon, 1853-1936, chemist. 54A Wigmore Street, London, W. England. To James Murphy Esq., 52, Rose Street, Garnethill Glasgow, Scotland. "I am returning to-day the object you so kindly lent for the Historical Medical Museum..." Form letter, initialed by secretary., 1913, November 6 - box 7

Wellcome, SJir Henry Solomon, 1853-1936, chemist. 54A Wigmore St., London, W. England. To James Murphy. "...I should therefore be glad to know if you would be willing to allow the objects you have been good enough to lend to remain as a permanent loan..." Form letter with facsimile signature., 1913 - box 7

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of, 1769-1852 statesman. London. Note to Captain Clarke. "The Duke has received his letter of the 1st instant, and begs that any application relative to the...Prize...may be made in the proper official channel...", 1830, September 2 - box 4